It is widely acknowledged that there are two fashion pieces that every woman should invest in - a good quality coat and a handbag. Now, not every woman appreciates fashion in the same way and many would not understand the “investment” part, but let’s say we talk about those who get it.
As luxury goods are now not so exceptional to the wealth, and seeing authentic Hermes passing by doesn’t really give you chills anymore - I like to have a look at limited editions. Even though I do admire the classic designs and purchase of Chanel Classic Flap bag in black buttery lambskin was in my “MUST have" list, yet I have to say - seeing same bag on 100 people in Paris made me question the thrill in buying the most wanted. And so my first designer bag was completely unexpected choice, but I’ll explain.
Isabella Rossellini
I believe most of us know who Isabella Rossellini is - an Italian actress, philanthropist, author, she has been modelling for Lancome for many years and Ross (remember Friends?) had put her name in his “Freebie list” for people he could sleep with without anyone getting upset. Her strong fashion instincts and great personal style led to collaboration with BVLGARI and in 2010 her signature handbag was launched.
The handbag
The style of the bag resembles 50’s glamour, but the architectural closure has been inspired by Parentesi jewelry line from the 80’s. It has this Italian “aura” and I am not sure if I can explain what that is, but when you think of Sicily bag by D&G - there is no doubt these two has something in common. The level of craftsmanship is outstanding and that twist lock is no ordinary piece of hardware - it is encrusted with semi-precious stones and in this case that cylinder is made of solid crystal and the rest is malachite. Even the leather they used for the top part does not look like calf leather we’re used to see - it’s Palmelato, meaning that the grain has been worked by hand in order to achieve the softest finishing. As Parentesi was inspired by details of Roman architecture, arcade motifs in contrasting leathers adds more to the concept. It may all seem very ladylike and kind of “serious”, until you look inside and see the lining - it has a snail motif printed all over. Here is why:
“Well, when I carry a bag, I carry everything, so I kept saying it’s like my home,” Rossellini says, laughing. “It made sense to use a drawing of a creature that carries its home around too.”
That is one reason, but there is another - in 2008 she started a series of short films about mating rituals of various insects and other animals called “Green Porno” and snails were among them - coincidence?
The thing that I love about this bag is it’s uniqueness, kind of art deco look and this may sound weird, but - the opening and closing moment is quite special - that twist-lock is a real piece of jewelry. Yes, it does require special care and I am always aware not to rub it on clothes that might bleed colour and maybe It does need an outfit to be "built" around it, but it is not every day bag. The fact that Bvlgari does not sell it anymore - makes it even more exceptional and I do have a feeling that this particular colour combination is rare. And I like rare. Very much.
HERE you can have a look at how the bag is made by Bvlgari craftsmen.
PHOTOGRAPHY by Ieva Gedvygaite
BAG by Bvlgari
SHOES by Aquazzura
JEWELRY by bimbaylola and personal