Meet Susana - single mother of two gorgeous kids. She is a designer at BUSCA, a dog trainer and my Weimaraner Kenzo and her German Shepard - Caju are like best buddies. Yes, maybe I have entered that period of life when your facebook page is loaded with images of either babies or puppies, but I guess this is something to be understood only by those who have one or the other. I love photographing kids, It's somehow always sincere and natural, they never pose and even if they do - awkwardness is rare. They don't care if they look funny, it's quite the opposite with kids, especially these two dolls. They are curious and I had to answer a row of serious questions before I had a chance to turn my camera on. You know, like "what's that umbrella doing in our room?" and "what's the light meter?" - these kind of things.
Motherhood lessons
When it comes to raising kids - Susana is one great example to follow. In the age of "professional supermoms" who share their problems of the internet and lives through several heart attacks daily('cos their kid burned a finger, et cetera et cetera) and are the masters of "knowing better", Susana is a rear bird. She allows her kids to explore the world and they are used to spend their time outside, they know those old school games we used to play in our childhood. And when little Chloé falls, gets up and continues running shouting "Mom, don't worry, it does not hurt!" - it leaves no doubt that Susana does things right.
And here you have a little family of modern hippy and two little honey badgers.
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PHOTOGRAPHY by Ieva Gedvygaite
MODELS : Chloé, António and Susana.